Thursday, June 15, 2023

How to germinate Cannabis Seeds

Some Cannabis Seeds

Cannabis is a diverse plant used
for medicinal, recreational, and industrial use
for centuries.

Now that parts of the U.S. and the world are legalizing. There is more interest in this unique plant. The very first step in growing cannabis is seed germination. There are multiple methods to germinate seeds. We will discuss the most classical way to get these seeds to pop above ground. 

The first thing that you want to do is make sure you have high-quality seeds. You want beans that are dark in color, are not cracked or damaged, and look healthy by your best judgment. There are thousands of seed companies out there. So choose wisely.

First, you want to soak your seeds to prepare them for germination. You can drop your seeds in water for 12 to 24 hours in a shot glass or small glass in a temperate climate, on a heating pad, on a DVD player, or someplace that gives off a little heat if it is winter and cool inside your place. After soaking the tap roots, it might be out of the seed. The water should have softened up the outer shell. Once the taproot appears, you can put the sprouted seeds into a damp paper towel, between two small plates, or in a zip lock bag to keep the humidity up. Again, keep the temp between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

                  A cannabis seedling

    For germination, I  germinate my seeds using a seedling starter mix for seedlings.

    Usually, the pieces are smaller and lighter to ensure the seedling can pop through some rocky dirt. An excellent depth to plant them is 1/4 inch deep.

    Very gently press down and moisten it well. Make sure the mix is moist so you can add the seed.

    In the past, I had added the water and the water would move deeper or sideways, preventing germination. You want the soil moistened but not waterlogged. I usually add a baggy over the jiffy cup to keep it nice and humid for the seed to germinate. The seeds sprout well on a heating pad.

    The heating pads are at any hydroponics store. In about 48 hours on average, I notice the seedlings have risen above ground, and at that point, I make sure the light is on.

    Sometimes it takes a few days or longer to pop. In a week, if nothing has sprouted, I would start over. Healthy, viable seeds should pop in 3 or 4 days. I have seen some take longer.

    While the seed is in the mixture, it does not require light. Use regular sunlight in a window or using artificial light like fluorescent bulbs.

    The seedling doesn't need any light until it emerges. What they need is moisture and warmth. The seedling doesn't need food because food is built into the seed to provide enough energy until a certain point. You will not need to feed the baby seedling until it has its first set of true leaves.

    Keep your seedlings under a bag or something clear so they can continue the humidity for a day or two. You can remove the cover and gently mist it with clean water. I gently mist the seeding with two or three light sprays so the humidity levels stay higher. Usually, you don't need to water your soil or mix it for at least a few days after it has sprung up. Once your seedling is big enough, you can add a mild fertilizer. I usually use the recommended dose for seedlings. If growing organic, you can add some worm castings or something organic to top-dress but have caution at first. Too little is better than too much.

    The seedling is most vulnerable as a newborn baby, so you want to be more attentive but not overly. If you provide the seed with the right things it needs to germinate warmthmoisture, and humidity, you should have success at germination and, with practice, have high germination percentage.

        Seeds for the planting!

    A good rule when planting is to plant more seeds in case some are not viable. If you want to grow ten seedlings, you could  15 to 20 just in case some don't make it. If there are any extras, you could give them away or cull them. It's never a good idea to pop seeds in the soil with high fertilizers, such as some name brands that use little balls with nutrients. They will fry your seedlings. When I started growing up years ago, I killed my seedlings, but we live and learn through trial and error. They were good genetics from Amsterdam. It was like throwing money down the toilet. May you have success in your future growing endeavors!

                                                Weed Heaven


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